Established in twenty twenty-two, Jupiter Galactic (JGC) is an independent electronic record label in California focusing on electrowave. A complete bespoke in-house recording studio with graphic design and publishing nodes turns conceptual vision into extraordinary reality.
Music production company and label combined, JGC is forging the next class of electronic music utilizing field programmable gate array (FPGA) synthesis. New engaging sounds and atmospheres are created to produce stellar albums that are launch pad ready: now that's deep space and totally ace. The galactic expedition begins.
The single is a special cut and mix intended for radio play. It will feature new galvanizing elements and a structure not found on the album version of the track. Signal Section is a grounded composer of electronic music, using a hybrid fusion of synthesis methods to produce original instrumental electrowave.
The creation of the album will utilize a uniquely architected studio system which is comprised of best in class layered field programmable gate array (FPGA) synthesis. The encompassed tracks will disengage a charged capacitor of luminescent electrowave music juxtaposed with vibrant harmonics across the galaxy.